23 February 2025

Investment information

construction period 4 year -
operation period 20 year -
fixed costs of project: 265 Million Euro -
initial charge for amine and catalyst 5.5 Million Euro -
Exchange rate(Euro) 112,135 Rials Average monthly sales value on 05.05.2019 according to data of NIMA and SANA databases
Exchange rate (ِDollar) 92,398 Rials
Investment Information
Energy and utility annual costs 23 Million Euro , based upon annual rate of utility in Assalouyeh region
Annual cost for purchase of ammonia and CO2: 80 Million Euro -
Annual production in case of total capacity 1,188,000 Ton/Year 330 work days
Total capacity for production achieved in the fourth year of operation -
Initial charge for amine and catalyst 5.5 Million Euro -
Urea sales rate 195 $/T at the average of week ending in as announced by Office of Downstream Petrochemical Industries Development
ammonia purchase price 135 $/T
sales in case of completion of capacity 190 Million Euro
Investment Information
loan terms
Amount of Shareholder 15%
Construction period 50 Month
Repayment Period 5 to 7 years
Currency Facilities 85%
International Rate 5% years
Grace Period 1 years
business results
Internal interest rate 18% -
Investor interest rate 30% -
Yearly Product cost 110 Million Euro
Product cost 106 Euro
Yearly repayment 55 Million Euro
اطلاعات سرمایه گذاری